Βαθμίδα: Καθηγητής
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο: Ιστορία της Τεχνολογίας στους Νεότερους Χρόνους
Τομέας: Ιστορίας της Επιστήμης και της Τεχνολογίας
Τηλέφωνο: 210-7275544
E-mail: tympas[at]phs.uoa[dot]gr
Aristotle Tympas, a specialist in the study of technology from the humanities and the social sciences, works as professor at the Department of History and Philosophy of Science, School of Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. His studies combined engineering (MSc, Aristotelio University, 1989), technology and science policy (MSc, Georgia Tech, 1995) and history-sociology of technology (PhD, Georgia Tech, 2001). In addition to teaching courses at his university (at his home department and at the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications), he has helped to introduce and teach courses in the digital, environmental and medical humanities at several other universities, in Greece and abroad. Former chair (2017-2019) of the management committee of the ‘Tensions of Europe: Research Network on History, Technology and Europe’, Tympas currently serves as vice president of the International Master’s Programme on Society, Science and Technology (ESST), as director of the Interdepartmental Graduate Program ‘Science, Technology, Society—Science and Technology Studies’ and as chair of the Department of History and Philosophy of Science. He has been a visiting scholar in the US (MIT Program in Science, Technology and Society), Germany (Viadrina Center B/Orders in Motion) and Sweden (Swedish Institute for Disability Research). Tympas has supervised over one hundred student theses (undergraduate, graduate, doctoral), Greek and international. With support from a series of fellowships and grants, he has published on a range of issues and technologies (Theory / Historiography, Computing / Communication / Automation, Environment / Energy / Sustainability, Biotech / Biomed / Med / Disability, Labor / Gender / Migration, Greece). He is the author of Calculation and Computation in the Pre-electronic Era (Springer, 2017) and Analog Labor, Digital Capital (Angelus Novus, 2018, In Greek).